
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Wandering all alone, without food or toilet...

I could only think of the part of Meet the Parents when Mr. Jinx goes missing when I read this blurb of a story that will be in People magazine this week:

Lost in rugged woods for three days – and without his ADD medication – Boy Scout Michael Auberry, 12, survives on Pringles and water

Seriously? Seriously.

Yes, I am moderately impressed by a person who survives in the woods for three days (although I think Boy Scouts is supposed to teach survival skills and stuff -- it's not just about homosexuality being evil, right?), because I would most likely panic and keel over at the first sight of bear poop on the ground, or the sound of a branch snapping nearby. And if this kid survived without, I don't know, his heart medication, or anti-seizure medication, even asthma medication, I'm super-impressed, and want to read about how he managed to survive. But ADD? Not so much.


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