
Monday, June 12, 2006

Untethered. Ahhhhhhhhh.

The Smelmooo is my hero for a number of reasons, most recently because he hooked us up with wireless internet service over the weekend (he reasoned that the cost was roughly what we would've otherwise spent on a dinner out).

Anyway, having Internet access on a laptop in the living room has me two steps away from being that guy who has a keg built into his couch so he never has to get up. I've watched NINE HOURS of the first season of 24 since yesterday morning, but I feel less lazy because I'm able to multitask on the laptop. This is so, so dangerous, especially because I just got the first season of Felicity on DVD, as well.

Really, I may never make it outside this summer. In fact, I may never get off the couch, ever.


  • You know, wireless probably works outside, and I bet your laptop has a DVD player. That's my plan for the summer.

    By Blogger hyb, at 10:07 AM  

  • I love our wireless internet too!In fact you may never need a book for "when nature calls" ever again!

    hahah.. jk

    By Blogger barbara, at 11:38 PM  

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