22+ months to go
So, as we're all hearing about Gerald Ford's legacy, and as I'm thinking about how W will be remembered twenty years from now (will time and distance make us look more favorably upon him? I can't quite imagine it, but you never know), John Edwards announced today that he's running for president in 2008.
Aside from a deep concern that polls will soon show that a significant portion of the American people believe that it's John Edward who's running, I also can't help thinking that declaring almost two years out is the political equivalent of my grocery store having Valentine's Day candy out before Christmas Eve (a true story, sadly), and having 24-Hours-of-Christmas-Music radio programming every day between Halloween and New Year's. It's just too much, really.
And I think Edwards himself is bugging me, too, somehow coming off simultaneously as Pollyanna-ish and Smug-and-Wooden-Al Gore circa 2000. I heard an interview with him today where the reporter mused -- quite nicely, really -- that it's a fine idea to have a big grassroots reform effort to reduce poverty, but what's Edwards' role in that, and does he really need to be president for something like that to happen? And visions of W danced in my head as he said, basically, "Well, my role is, I'll be the leader."
Who knows where this will all shake down; I think it's kind of unlikely that Edwards will end up being the Democratic candidate in the end, but I'm already sick of the rhetoric and the posturing, and it's still almost two years out. And, frankly, I've just recovered from all the horrendous campaigning surrounding the midterm elections.
Enough rambling for now -- I'm off to watch the Texas Bowl. Yeehaw! Go Rutgers!!
Aside from a deep concern that polls will soon show that a significant portion of the American people believe that it's John Edward who's running, I also can't help thinking that declaring almost two years out is the political equivalent of my grocery store having Valentine's Day candy out before Christmas Eve (a true story, sadly), and having 24-Hours-of-Christmas-Music radio programming every day between Halloween and New Year's. It's just too much, really.
And I think Edwards himself is bugging me, too, somehow coming off simultaneously as Pollyanna-ish and Smug-and-Wooden-Al Gore circa 2000. I heard an interview with him today where the reporter mused -- quite nicely, really -- that it's a fine idea to have a big grassroots reform effort to reduce poverty, but what's Edwards' role in that, and does he really need to be president for something like that to happen? And visions of W danced in my head as he said, basically, "Well, my role is, I'll be the leader."
Who knows where this will all shake down; I think it's kind of unlikely that Edwards will end up being the Democratic candidate in the end, but I'm already sick of the rhetoric and the posturing, and it's still almost two years out. And, frankly, I've just recovered from all the horrendous campaigning surrounding the midterm elections.
Enough rambling for now -- I'm off to watch the Texas Bowl. Yeehaw! Go Rutgers!!
szg for President. He'll hanmdle the tough questions.
Anonymous, at 11:55 AM
a friend of mine works for a political machine in the midwest, and she said to keep an eye out for barack obama. she says he's the real deal (like PRESIDENT BARTLETT was on the west wing!! whee! i *heart* josh lyman). i don't think most of the red states will agree, but it's worth a smile that ALL democrats whose names are being tossed around for the presidency aren't complete bumblers.
(i mean no disrespect, mr. edwards. i LOVED your spot on the daily show!)
m, at 12:46 PM
This is my fear, the Democratic party will get all "wild and happy" about Barack and make him the lead candidate....it's my fear because I do not think America (mainly middle/south ern parts) are ready to elect a Barack Obama to President. Same goes for Hillary...a female president...while I'm willing to vote for her I doubt most of America could handle that.
seth, at 9:35 AM
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