
Friday, May 06, 2005

Fish bait

I know, I know, for someone who's not a dog person, I'm writing an awful lot about our dog...

But this week, we learned that Tucker again has worms. We know that it's pretty normal for puppies, but still, we (the Smelmooo moreso than I) can't help feeling that we could've done more to prevent it, and we're frustrated because we'd really thought he'd be forever worm-free after he was rescued from the mean streets of West Virginia.

So anyway, we're giving Tucker his medicine (which we first disguised with peanut butter, but he's gotten wise to that, so now we wrap it in cheese....which, by the way, confirms that the Smelmooo loves Tucker more than pretty much anything) and he seems to be getting better.

I still, however, can't stop laughing every time I think of the Smelmooo's sad face when he and Tucker arrived home from the vet, carrying a pamphlet titled "When your dog has intestinal parasites." I don't know why this language struck me so funny, but it continues to make me dissolve into giggles every time I think about it. It just seems like a parody, like the scene in Reality Bites when they're doing the pre-enactment of Steve Zahn's character coming out to his parents:

"Is there a support group that I can join to help me come to terms with my own homophobia?"

[looks at pamphlet, has epiphany]

"Oh! PFLAG!...I'm beginning to like the sound of that!"

Anyway, get well, Tucker, and may your worms be forever vanquished by the time you return to the vet on Monday, so we can stop feeling like bad pet parents...


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