
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Random thoughts after a long weekend

It was such a glorious weekend, with perfect weather and zero work. Heaven. And today, back to the grind, and back to big writing projects, which means procrastination, which means random thoughts documented in my blog. Here we go:

-- I am fascinated that the surrogate mom in Six Feet Under is played by the same actress who was Jan Brady in the Brady Bunch movie. And she is completely playing this surrogate mom character exactly as she portrayed Jan Brady, so much so that I keep expecting her to bust out with the big afro wig, or to have voices in her head saying, "Let's knock over a 7-11!"

-- I think that my peer group has reached a tipping point that I knew would come eventually, but for which I wasn't quite prepared. At our friends' annual Fourth of July barbecue/pool party, there were a million babies and pregnant women, and no one was actually in the pool, and I think there were many more seltzers and waters than beers being consumed. We missed last year's party, which I assume was the transition year, because the 2003 edition (apparently, after we left) included skinny-dipping and other child-inappropriate debauchery, which lasted well into the following day. And I actually think that this year's party was more my speed, but it got me to thinking about the King of Queens episode I saw the other night in Boston, when Doug and Carrie are searching desperately for childless friends.

-- Also from Boston, when my cab pulled up to the hotel on my first night there, a bellhop immediately ran to the car, grabbed my luggage from the trunk, and walked with me to the front desk to check in. On the way, he asked my name so he could tell the front desk person; I gave him my first and last name, and then he asked, "Are you Miss or Mrs.?" And I was sort of stymied, because I'm neither, and although I suppose Mrs. is more correct if I have to pick from one of those two, I'm really a "Ms." So I just said, "Well, I'm married." And he said, "Oh, but you have a different name from your husband's? My wife is the same way. I'm Smith and she's Jones." So why the binary option, if you know there's a third? In any case, I appreciated the door-to-door service, which the Smelmooo tells me is standard, but which I've never, ever experienced before.

-- A final note from Boston: I'd been hoping to meet up with Jenny-from-Africa on Wednesday night, but then my site visit ran long and then her dinner with family ran long, and I had a 6:30 breakfast meeting on Thursday, and we were like half an hour away from each other, so we ended up chucking the idea of getting together. And now she's on a plane back to Africa, which makes me very sad, but I had the good fortune to see her twice while she was in the States, which I hope will tide me over for the next 9 months. Sigh.

-- Yesterday, the Smelmooo and I cashed in a couple of the gift cards we had remaining from when we returned wedding gifts. We were so excited to get these awesome contraptions that are essential for spazzy people like me, who can't balance their drinks and their food during cocktail parties. Sadly, when the Smelmooo tried to present me with a drink and snack before dinner last night, (a) I had finished the box of crackers, so there was actually no food for my plate, and (b) the trays totally did not support our particular wine glasses, so the glass was pitched to the side, basically as it would be if I were balancing it with a traditional tray of food after having had 2 or 3 cocktails, so good thing they were essentially free. More rewarding purchases included our backyard accoutrements to go along with our new patio furniture, including lanterns and citronella tiki torches.

-- Tucker had his last (fingers-crossed!) directly-observed therapy for the worms today, so I'm hoping desperately that his next test -- in two weeks -- will show that he's worm-free. Because we really, really need to get him neutered, which can't happen until the worms are gone. And on that note, it's time to go play with the puppy and the neglected husband.


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