
Monday, January 09, 2006

I'm not listening!!

I didn't so much care about Nick and Jessica, and certainly not Renee and Kenny or Tori and Charlie (although I feel bad for Charlie, dummy that he is), and I secretly was happy this morning when I heard that Lance and Sheryl are splitting. But I was sad about Mike Myers and his wife breaking up, but not sad enough to post about it.

But Chad Lowe and Hilary Swank?!?!?! Unacceptable. Totally unacceptable. Go make up. Now. Watch the tape of last year's Oscars (not the one where she forgot to thank you, Chad), see how in love you are with each other, remember why you fell in love and how you both came from so-so TV shows (or maybe not...was Karate Kid 3 before 90210? I think yes. Either way, though), realize how silly whatever it is that you're fighting about is, and get back together, please. Please? You're so darn cute.


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